Monday, October 13, 2014

Maths Revision - Number

We have now finished our first Maths unit of the year. Use the grid and the questions below to see how much you have learnt.

Subject: Maths
Unit: 1a - Number
Also reference the following documents / webpages:
Homework sheets from the past 6 weeks.

Key Vocabulary:





Number bonds

Key concepts:

·        Know multiplication/division facts for 2x, 3x, 5x and 10 x tables
·        Recognise 2 and 3 digit multiples of 2, 5, and 10.
·        Count on and back in steps of 2, 3, 4 and 5 to at least 50

·        Read and write numbers to at least 1000.
·        Understand what each digit represents in 3 digit numbers and partition into hundreds, tens and units
·        Find 1, 10 100 more/less than 2 and 3 digit numbers

·        Understand the relationship between doubling and halving.
·        Understand the effect of multiplying 2 digit numbers by 10.

·         Choose appropriate mental strategies to carry out calculations

1.    Write seventy three in figures  
2.   Write four hundred and six in figures  
3.   What does the 5 mean in 259?
4.   What number is ten less than 41?
5.   What number is ten more than 75?
6.   What number is ten less than 135?
7.   What number is ten more than 261? 
8.   I multiplied 24 by 10. What answer did I get? 
9.   Nadia made the number 580 by multiplying a starting number by 10.             What was the starting number? 
10. Write the next 3 numbers in this pattern:
                     28, 24, 20, 16, ______, ______, ______
11.          Is 978 a multiple of 10? Yes or no? 
12. Is 978 a multiple of 5? Yes or no?
13. Is 978 a multiple of 2? Yes or no? 
14. Write the missing number.       ______ + 85 = 100
15. Subtract 30 from 173. 
16. A tennis racket normally costs £24. What price will it be in a half-price sale? 

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